We are one! Wow, we made it, thanks to you! We are here again, in the beginning of a new ride. A new way, a new collection. Somehow it turned out, that there were so many slogans we wanted to use this time. There are so many things to say,…

Juhuu! See oli täpselt kaks aastat tagasi kui me kolisime Dadamora poe Balti Jaama Turult Telliskivi Loomelinnakusse. Turul oli ka tore, aga kuidagi hakkas tunduma, et tahaks aknaid ja esimest korrust ja rohkem õhku. Alguses oli plaan Dadamora Pood ja Stuudio kokku kolida, kuid kui uue pinna remont sai valmis,…

Hurray! It was two years ago, when we moved our Shop to Telliskivi Creative City! Before this we used to have a shop in Balti Jaama Turg for a year, but somehow it felt that we need to move forward! I was trying to find the very first photos of…

Telliskivi poe sünnipäeva puhul võtsime ühendust Kristiga Bonobo’st. Kristi on ääretult armas looduslapsest ema, kes valmistab põnevaid kodumaiseid kosmeetikatooteid, mis on puhtad ja looduslikud. Minu enda vaieldamatud lemmikud on Bonobo huulepalsamid ja deodorant kreem. Nii me mõtlesimegi, et kingime sel nädalal Dadamorast vähemalt 25€ eest ostnutele Bonobo huulepalsami. BONOBO on…

This week our Telliskivi Store will turn two years old! Hurray! We called to Kristi at Bonobo, to get some surprises for you! Kristi is a lovely bohemian mother, who runs a natural cosmetics brand called BONOBO. So we thought it would be nice to celebrate this occasion with giving…

Mõtlesime, et alustame uue blogiseeriaga, kus toredad inimesed meie ümber jagavad oma valikuid ja mõtteid Dadamorast. Täna tutvustame teile Getterit, kes on meie armas videograaf. Tema poolt valmivad meie toredad videoklipid. Getteri tütar Karlotta on meie modell ja nii ka viimase kollektsiooni pildistamisel. Vaata mida valisid nemad Karlotta kappi:  …

We are starting with a new blog series where lovely people around us share their choices and thoughts about Dadamora. Here you will find their unique selections and perhaps something for inspiration 😉 Today let’s say hello to Getter! Getter is our lovely videographer. All our cool videos are made…

Hurray, Happy Easter! It used to be a good long holiday to spend with family at home, but we’ve been doing this for almost a month… I would love to be the lost egg on the egghunt, that no one could find :D. We thought you might have the same…

Tere kevad! Ongi aeg käes koristada kapid ja sorteerida ära lasteriided, mida saab veel kanda või mille võiks järelturul müüki panna või mida naabrinaisele viia. Igaljuhul on praegune globaalselt keeruline olukord andnud meile aega, et olla kodus ja seada end suveks valmis.  Ka meil on teile valmis tehtud uus kollektsioon.…

Hello spring! The time has come to clean closets and sort all children’s clothes that you can use or sell second hand or give away to your neighbours. The current difficult situation in the world has given us some time to focus on things at home and prepare for the…

Here are some Dadamora colouring pages you can print at home or download them to your ipad. Stay at home! Here you can find pdf fails: colouring pages

  Well hello friends! This is our new collection. The plan was that this is the summer before Dadamora is going to school, so we thought let’s make it colorful (as much as we can :D) and funny & cute. After summer comes autumn, when it’s time to go to…